"You know the phrase "it does keep getting better"? Let me tell you that after decades of hiding, it does get better! Being out is so much better!"
"It is encouraging to see other young Catholic voices breaking the silence on LGBTQI concerns, hopes and aspirations in the Church."
"Pope Francis has opened a door now and Gay Catholics for the first time have hope! Catholics being able to be open about their sexuality and being accepted by their community is amazing."
"Catholicism has been so important in my life, and unfortunately my sexual orientation is obstructing me into feeling belonged to this church."
"I felt hope."
"My sister is bisexual and my cousin is a lesbian. I left the Catholic Church because they did not accept them. I would love to return to my faith."
"I am 19, bisexual and Catholic. Just knowing that there are other LGBT Catholics out there is the most encouraging thing, it brings me so much peace and joy."
"I consider myself a Catholic, but it is a little hard with the main stream posture about LGBT people. I am still looking for a welcoming community."
"Thanks for bringing a ray of faith to my life. You make me feel that I am not alone."
"I found it very moving and so wonderful. Thank you for creating such a beautiful welcoming place. It shows what is possible."
"It's a relief to know that not everywhere LGBT people, who are also Catholic, are forced to hide their sexual orientation within the Church's community. I hope one day this will be the normality."
"The stories shared bring both a beauty and a disturbance for people to move out of complacency and into action that is rooted in God's love"
"I was inspired by the honesty and love of all those people who shared their stories with us."
"This short film tells my story in so many ways and I am sure it tells the story of so many others."
"It brought tears to my eyes. Make sure Pope Francis sees it!"
"If we are all created in the image of God, shouldn't we be distresseed when LGBT people are missing from our Church? We are missing part of who God is."
"As the mom of a gay son, I was truly moved by the film's message of God's love and true inclusivity."
"I believe that God wants my LGBT friends and family to have the same rights to live fully as I do. So supportive of this movement!"
"This film serves as a reminder to welcome the LGBT community into our lives and in our journey towards God's enduring love."
"A call for all of us to embody the inclusiveness and unconditional love at the heart of our faith."